So, like today...yeah, it's my birthday....
29 years old....
That's almost 30....
Let's see what did I do today? The usual: updated my fitness blog, laundry, dishes, swept, planned a seminary lesson, checked the mail, updated my fitness blog again, worked out, shuffled kids, signed papers, paid the Schwan's man for food I didn't need...
OH! And answered emails from friends who love me on my birthday!! Wrote on people's walls on Facebook who told me happy birthday!! Read comments left for me on Myspace by people who sent me love on my birthday!! Went to lunch with the coolest sister ever on my birthday!! Opened the coolest gifts ever from my mom and daughters on my birthday!!
*sigh* Let's see...what else?...
Oh!! And I mooned somebody on my birthday!!HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Just another day...
Posted by Carissa Mason at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Attack of the Mommies!!
Posted by Carissa Mason at 6:08 PM 1 comments
Aaarrgh ye ready fer a paaartay!?
Recently, my son celebrated his 5th b-day (gasping for breath as we speak). He wanted pirates and treasure and, oh yeah, lots of presents! You know how I can't turn down an excuse for a party of any kind, so you knew it was going to have to be big! Look and see...
Yes, that is the cake. And before you ask, it, *cough*, uh, WAS, uh, supposed to look that way! Yeah. Don't you know a sunken pirate ship when you see one?! Sheesh.
Isn't it funny when someone blows out candles on a cake everyone else's lips can't help but pucker up, too?
I think he was quite proud of himself for blowing the candles out on the 4th try!
I found this stow-away trying to find the booty on her own. Aargh! Walk the plank she must!
The party wench and her gender-confused shipmate. Yes, I dressed up. Are you kidding!?Aargh, matey! Hands off me booty, ye land lubber!
Posted by Carissa Mason at 11:21 AM 0 comments