Hey ev'rbody...
Thankths fer comin'.
[smacks tongue in between lips twice and hiccups softly].
Oops, 'scuse me.
Uhh, not suurre wh, whhyyy no more peoples sthowed up to thisss little sshhindig?
I figured LOTS of pity-goers would be lined up for thisss Par-TAAYY.
Oh, lookie! Selfishness came! [jumping up and down but stops abruptly and covers her mouth]. I just *hiccup* luff herrr. She's jus' so, sooo...centered, you know? Oo! Hey, Ignorance! [begins to whisper] I luff her, too but not all the lighbulbs came with the chandelier, if ya know what I meeaan. Ssshhhh [roughly puts a finger to her lips, distorting them]...that'sth our little secreT. Let's seeee, I saw Common Sense, but she left already. It's ok, she's like NO fun anyway. I hope Depression comes,though...now that one, she reeeally knows how to get doowwnnnn!
Hmmm, weird [wrinkles nose and forehead].......didn't anybody else get the invites? *hiccup* I sent them out, like, like, uhhhhhhhhh, [counts on fingers], a monf ago. I spefisically, specifislee, spec-i-fi-cally said I didn't want anybo'y to bother me! Which means I really DO want people to bother me!! [sniffles]. But not like bother, bother me...jus' show up...and *hiccup* pity *hiccup* wiff me!
You'd fink they'd know that by NOW. [pouts excessively and wipes nose all the way across sleeve].
But nobody sthowed up to my last party, *hiccup*, no body showeded up to that one either.
Hmrph! I may jus' have to find some, some new frans. [stamps her foot and twirls clumsily to leave but runs into a brick wall and knocks herself out cold].
*Due to the damage caused to my ego combined with complete waste of time and cycle of self-loathing that stalls any form of personal progress or intelligent decisions to be made, I regret to inform you that there will be no more Pity Parties being hosted at my house.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Pity Party Drunkard
Posted by Carissa Mason at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Kick It, Hit It, Tag It!
As I mentioned in the earlier posts, we are busy and Saturdays are filled with games our kids participate in.
Daphne was in softbal before tennis started. Here some shots of her on the field.
She's in the back ready for a fly ball.

Abby just got into soccer and absolutely loves it. I knew she would when she asked to play. The game just seems to fit her personality.
And then there's my Gare-Bear. My football playing, flag stealin' little man. This is going to be a fun season!
Posted by Carissa Mason at 1:37 PM 0 comments
The Busy Bee Lifestyle
Since school has started our schedule has been kicked into turbo mode in the most insane sense of the phrase. Instead of giving you a play by play of why I haven't blogged in like, forever, let me just give you my weekly schedule. It will all make sense then:
5:30 am: My alarm goes off and I fight off the urge to smash it to smithereens.
6 am: Eat breakfast. I actually have to scarf it down because I hit the snooze one too may times this morning and am about to have a houseful of groggy teenagers infiltrate my quiet time.
6:15-7 am: Teach Seminary for the youth of our church in my home. (Despite the oftentimes tormenting earliness, I absolutely LOVE this calling!)
7-7:30 am: Help my own groggy kids get ready for school. Assemble sack lunches if needed. Feed them breakfast and whisk them and a hurried hubby out the door.
(Ok, so far, every week day my schedule is the same as above. So, I won't repeat it for redundancy's sake).
During the day, as all of you SAHMs know, my hours are filled with mundane tasks and chores such as laundry, dishes, sweeping, checking emails and returning phone calls, preparing the next day's seminary lesson, I have to pre-prepare dinner so I can actually get it on the table on time, etc., which all take up 7.5 of the 8 hours I have left to myself. And somewhere in there I must feed my griping belly.
2:50-3:20 pm: pick up children from schools.
3:30-5:30 pm: my oldest daughter, Daphne, has tennis practice.
6-7 pm: Garrett has a football game.
7-8:30 pm: we feed the missionaries from our church dinner and have Family Home Evening.
8:30-9 pm: bath time and wrangling kids to bed.
(and somewhere in each of these days we manage to get homework knocked out and piano practiced. Don't ask me where, it's all a blur).
2:50-3:20: Pick kids up from schools.
3:30-5:30: Daphne has tennis practice.
5:30-6:30: Abby has soccer practice.
5:30-6:00: Garrett has guitar lessons.
6-7pm: dinner
7-9pm: bath and wrangling time.
2:50-3:20: Pick kids up from schools.
4:30-5:15: piano lessons (30 minutes away)
6-8pm: Young Women's and Activity Days at church
8:20-9 pm: bath and bed time.
2:50-3:20: Pick kids up from schools.
3:30-5:30: Daphne has tennis
3:45-4:30: Abby has acting class at the college.
4:30-5:30: run quick errands for the kids.
5:30-6:30: Garrett has football practice at one end of town.
5:30-6:30: Abby has soccer practice at the other end of town.
6:45-7:30: dinner
(as you can see, I am in my car for nearly 4 solid hours on Thursdays! I wish I could mount a shower head in it somewhere. It would take a step out of my evening chores so I could go to bed sooner!)
7:30-9pm: bath and bed time.
Fridays are the only days where, besides school, we have nothing scheduled. These are blissful days.
Saturdays are filled with soccer and football games.
Sunday is the Sabbath and we save our energy for giving thanks to the Lord for our talents and abilities and for the means to cultivate these things in ourselves and our children. We are truly blessed.
Posted by Carissa Mason at 12:38 PM 1 comments