"The Hawk and The Pigeons"
Some pigeons had long lived in fear of a hawk, but since they had always kept on the alert and stayed near their dovecote, they had consistently managed to escape their enemies attacks. Finding his sallies unsuccessful, the hawk now sought to use cunning to trick the pigeons.
"Why," he once asked, "do you prefer this life of constant anxiety when I could keep you safe from any conceivable attack by the kites and falcons? All you have to do is to make me your king and I won't bother you anymore."
Trusting his claims, the pigeons elected him to their throne, but no sooner was he installed than he began exercising his royal prerogative by devouring a pigeon a day.
"It serves us right," said one poor pigeon whose turn was yet to come.
Moral of the story: Some remedies are worse than the disease itself.

Found this little fable ironically fitting for our current times.
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